• Original research article
  • June 9, 2008
  • Open access



The borders of pragmatics as one of three parts of semiotics were initially determined by its neighbourhood within the framework of this science with semantics on one hand and with syntactics - on the other. The share of pragmatists includes the sphere of the relations between signs and those who use them. According to Ch. S. Pirs, the founder of semiotics and pragmatism, a person is the center of the universe constantly aspiring to act being guided only by personal interests, pursuing definite purposes. Thus, a person influences the reality, dealing only with its signs.


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  2. Пирс Ч. С. Закрепление верования // Вопросы философии. - 1996. - № 12. - С. 106-120.
  3. Пирс Ч. С. Избранные философские произведения. - М., 2000.
  4. Пирс Ч. С. Как сделать наши идеи ясными // Вопросы философии. - 1996. - № 12. - С. 120-132.
  5. Степанов Ю. С. В поисках прагматики (проблема субъекта) // Известия АН СССР. Сер. лит. и языка. - 1981. - № 4. - Т. 40. - С. 325-332.

Author information

O. B. Glushko

Southern Federal University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: June 9, 2008.


  • прагматика
  • семиотика
  • семантика
  • синтактика
  • знаки
  • Ч. С. Пирс
  • действительность
  • pragmatics
  • semiotics
  • semantics
  • syntactics
  • signs
  • Ch. S. Pirs
  • reality


© 2008 The Author(s)
© 2008 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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