• Original research article
  • July 20, 2010
  • Open access



This article studies the historical plays by Bazaar Baradin Shoyzhit and The great sister - shaman, which are mainly based on folk narration. These works reflect the legends and stories about the trip of the delegation of Horinsky Buryats to Peter the Great in 1702 and the forced withdrawal of the Buryat lands to the Russian settlers. The main heroines of the plays - Ereshhen and Shoyzhit - are historical figures who have fulfilled the mission entrusted to them and thus helped the Buryat people. Literary treatment of folklore materials allowed the author creating true and original images.


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  3. Буряад арадай тγγхэ домогууд / сост. В. Ш. Гунгаров. Улан-Удэ, 1990. С. 91.
  4. Лазутин С. Г. Взаимодействие литературы и фольклора: аспекты и методы изучения // Фольклор в современном мире: аспекты и пути исследования. М.: Наука, 1991. С. 103-112.
  5. Торшин А. А. Произведение художественной литературы: основные аспекты анализа. М., 2006. С. 12.
  6. Цыбекдоржиев В. 325 лет Абжа удаган // Угай зам. 2005. № 5. 18 с.
  7. Якименко В. Границы и возможности (миф, притча в современной литературе) // Вопросы литературы. 1978. № 1. С. 101.

Author information

Lyubov Tsydypovna Malzurova

Buryat State University

Sesegma Dasha-Nimaevna Malzurova

Buryat State University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: July 20, 2010.


  • исторические предания
  • поездка хоринцев
  • шаманка Эрэшхэн
  • самопожертвование
  • фольклоризм произведений
  • historical legends
  • trip of Horinsky Buryats
  • shaman Ereshhen
  • self-sacrifice
  • folklorism of plays


© 2010 The Author(s)
© 2010 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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