• Original research article
  • December 10, 2010
  • Open access



The article reveals the key role of metaphor in understanding thinking bases and the processes of the formation of mental ideas about the world. The author pays attention to the aspect of the consideration of the problem of interrelation between language and thinking as the result of quick development of knowledge about cognitive processes and emphasizes the special role of metaphorical thinking and discourse while forming consciousness and language.


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Author information

Larisa Valentinovna Kalashnikova

Orlov State Agrarian University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: December 10, 2010.


  • когнитология
  • субъективный опыт
  • сознание
  • метафорическая модель
  • вербально-образные ассоциации
  • когнитивные универсалии
  • когнитивные референты
  • метафорическое мышление
  • лингвистическое пространство
  • коммуникация
  • ментальные представления о мире
  • cognitology
  • subjective experience
  • consciousness
  • metaphorical model
  • verbal-figurative associations
  • cognitive universals
  • cognitive reviewer
  • metaphorical thinking
  • language space
  • communication
  • mental ideas about the world


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© 2010 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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