• Original research article
  • December 10, 2010
  • Open access



This scientific article is devoted to the study of one of the aspects of the creative work of the popular Uzbek poet Abdulla Aripov and to the analysis of the influence of different folklore genres on his creative work. The author of the article analyzes and marks that basing on folklore images, folk parables and legends, the wisest philosophical-didactical thoughts the poet reflects on the most important philosophical artistic problems of different spheres of life and society. On the whole the harmonious unity of artistic figurative poetic plot with different folklore genres is analyzed.


  1. 1. Алишер Навои. Фарход и Ширин. Т., 1956. С. 690-691.
  2. Горький А. М. О литературе. Т., 1962. С. 321.
  3. Источники исламского суфизма / сост. проф. Х. Болтабоев. Т., 2005. С. 332.
  4. Узбекско-русский словарь. Т., 1988. С. 502. 5. Абдулла Орипов. Танланган асарлар: 4 жилдлик. Т.: Адабиёт ва санъат нашриёти, 2001. 4-жилд. Б. 74.

Author information

Akram Nasriddinovich Hamdamov

Karshi State University, Uzbekistan

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: December 10, 2010.


  • фольклор
  • легенда
  • сюжет
  • образ
  • поэтические изображения фольклорных образов
  • средства поэтического изображения
  • старый колодец
  • табиб
  • философская народная мудрость
  • folklore
  • legend
  • plot
  • image
  • poetic portrayal of folklore images
  • means of poetic portrayal
  • old well
  • tabib
  • philosophical folk wisdom


© 2010 The Author(s)
© 2010 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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