• Original research article
  • March 29, 2011
  • Open access



The article reveals the features of the person sphere of the French linguo-culture. Special attention is paid to the analysis of one of the key character types of the French world - Vercingétorix-Astérix. The personality is considered at three levels of linguo-culturological realization: lexical, conceptual and communicative ones.


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  3. Хазагеров Г. Г. Персоносфера русской культуры: два свойства персоносферы // Новый мир. 2002. № 1. С. 133-145.
  4. Bourdieu P. La distinction: critique sociale du jugement. P., 1979.
  5. Debray R. La puissance et les rêves. P., 1984.
  6. Goscinnny R., Uderzo A. Astérix aux jeux olympiques. P.: Dargaud Éditeur, 1979.
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Author information

Arkadii Petrovich Sedykh

Belgorod State University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: March 29, 2011.


  • персоносфера
  • языковая личность
  • лингвокультурный типаж
  • ключевой национальный концепт
  • коммуникативное поведение
  • person sphere
  • language personality
  • linguo-cultural character type
  • key national concept
  • communicative behavior


© 2011 The Author(s)
© 2011 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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