• Original research article
  • July 7, 2011
  • Open access



The author considers G. Leech's politeness principle use in English informal dialogue. This principle is understood as the specific strategy of speech behavior the purpose of which is the prevention of conflict situations. The violations of politeness postulates may be connected with horizontal and vertical relations between communicants and also with the contradictoriness of the maxims themselves.


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Author information

Gayane Rubenovna Vlasyan

Chelyabinsk State University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: July 7, 2011.


  • разговорный диалог
  • принцип вежливости Дж. Лича
  • речевое поведение
  • informal dialogue
  • G. Leech's politeness principle
  • speech behavior


© 2011 The Author(s)
© 2011 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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