• Original research article
  • December 5, 2011
  • Open access



The author considers the stylistic potential of nonintrinsic-direct speech and pays special attention to the little-studied varieties of the considered narrative form - the micro-forms of nonintrinsic-direct speech and syntactic stylization by the examples of their use in the novels of the English writers (R. Aldington, J. Galsworthy, J. Austen). The article may appear useful for the students of philological faculties during the lessons of stylistics, text interpretation and home reading.


  1. Бахтин М. М. Вопросы литературы и эстетики. М.: Художественная литература, 1975. 504 с.
  2. Домашнев А. И., Шишкина И. П., Гончарова Е. А. Интерпретация художественного текста: немецкий язык. М.: Просвещение, 1989. 208 с.
  3. Кухаренко В. А. Интерпретация текста. М.: Просвещение, 1988. 192 с.
  4. Aldington R. Death of a Hero. M.: Vyssaja Skola, 1985. 350 p.
  5. Austen J. Sense and Sensibility. Wordsworth Editions Limited, 2007. 295 p.
  6. Galperin I. R. Stylistics. M.: Higher School Publishing House, 1971. 343 p.
  7. Galsworthy J. The Forsyte Saga. To Let. M.: Progress Publishers, 1975. 256 p.
  8. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. The Pitman Press, 1978. 1303 p.

Author information

Ol'ga Nikolaevna Shevlyakova

National Research University Higher School of Economics

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: December 5, 2011.


  • несобственно-прямая речь
  • чужое слово
  • микроформы несобственно-прямой речи
  • синтаксическая стилизация
  • поэтика романа
  • точка зрения автора
  • nonintrinsic-direct speech
  • somebody else's word
  • micro-forms of nonintrinsic-direct speech
  • syntactic stylization
  • poetics of novel
  • author's point of view


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© 2011 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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