• Original research article
  • May 14, 2012
  • Open access



The article is devoted to the culturally relevant concept love realization mechanisms and their linguistic representations research by the material of W. Shakespeare's tragedy Romeo and Juliet. The author of the article pays special attention to the peculiarities of the author's understanding of this natural-cultural concept, and, as the result of the research, singles out the prototypes, which became the basis of love artistic image creation in the tragedy.


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  5. Dickey F. M. Not Wisely but Too Well: Shakespeare's Love Tragedies. San Marino, California: The Huntington Library, 1957.
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  10. Shakespeare W. The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. М.: Директ-Медиа, 2003. 195 с.
  11. Shaver P. R., Wu S., Schwartz J. C. Cross-Cultural Similarities and Differences in Emotion and Its Representation: a Prototype Approach // Review of Personality and Social Psychology / ed. by M. S. Clark. Newbury Park, 1992. Vol. 13. Emotion. P. 175-212.
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Author information

Yuliya Vladimirovna Kokunova

Ivanovo State University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: May 14, 2012.


  • культурный концепт «любовь»
  • концептуализация
  • мифические атрибуты
  • репрезентация концепта
  • концептосфера
  • метафорическое мышление
  • персонификация
  • прототип
  • cultural concept "love"
  • conceptualization
  • mythical attributes
  • concept representation
  • concept sphere
  • metaphorical thinking
  • personification
  • prototype


© 2012 The Author(s)
© 2012 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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