• Original research article
  • May 14, 2012
  • Open access



The article is devoted to the consideration of the correlation word - information from the point of view of uncertainty principle. The author analyzes the distinctive features of these two notions that is possible only on similarity basis. The common thing in word and information divergences list is their uncertainty.


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  4. Верещагин Е. М., Костомаров В. Г. Язык и культура. М.: Индрик, 2005. 1040 с.
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  6. Егоров Б. Ф. Нам созвучный глубинно // Вышгород. Таллинн, 2000. № 1. С. 20-26.
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  8. Крячко В. Б. Имя и именуемое // Вопросы филологических наук. 2011. № 6. С. 57-60.
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Author information

Vladimir Borisovich Kryachko

Volzhsk Polytechnic Institute (Branch) of Volgograd State Technical University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: May 14, 2012.


  • слово
  • информация
  • языковая материя
  • смысл
  • значение
  • экстенсионал
  • интенсионал
  • структура
  • живая система
  • иноприродность
  • word
  • information
  • language matter
  • sense
  • meaning
  • extensional
  • intentional
  • structure
  • living system
  • of another nature


© 2012 The Author(s)
© 2012 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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