• Original research article
  • July 25, 2012
  • Open access



The author studies the gender aspect of the communication speech patterns of the Buryats, and in particular considers the difference in women and men's demeanour during conversation, the difference in the subjects of conversation, speech tactics, style features, as well as the gender aspect of communicative taboos and nonverbal communication.


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Author information

Radzhana Vladimirovna Bukhaeva

Eastern-Siberian State University of Technologies and Management

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: July 25, 2012.


  • гендер в коммуникации
  • национально-культурные традиции
  • этнокультурные ценности
  • речевые стереотипы общения
  • мотивы поведения
  • женские и мужские стратегии и тактики общения
  • тематики мужской и женской речи
  • коммуникативные табу
  • невербальная коммуникация
  • gender in communication
  • national-cultural traditions
  • ethnic-cultural values
  • communication speech patterns
  • motives of behaviour
  • women and men's communication strategies and tactics
  • subjects of male and female speech
  • communication taboos
  • nonverbal communication


© 2012 The Author(s)
© 2012 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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