• Original research article
  • July 31, 2013
  • Open access



The author considers the artistic concept “end of the world / doomsday” at the first stage of conceptual analysis – the ascertaining of a key word-representative, by means of the method of content analysis studies the substantial corpus of lyrical texts in search of lexemes Apokalypse, Weltende, Weltuntergang, Weltentod , and basing on the selected material, presented by the matrix of four groups, comes to the conclusion that in quantitative terms the lexeme Weltuntergang along with the lexeme Weltende can pretend to be the key word-representative.


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Author information

Andrei Evgen'evich Krasheninnikov

Northeastern State University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: July 31, 2013.


  • художественный концепт
  • ключевое слово-репрезентант
  • контент-анализ
  • немецкая литература
  • апокалипсис
  • artistic concept
  • key word-representative
  • content analysis
  • German literature
  • apocalypse


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