• Original research article
  • September 27, 2013
  • Open access



The article discusses the typological aspect of the figuration of sentences with the generalized negation in the English and Russian languages​​, conducts the analysis of the principles of negative sentences construction, considers their classification on the basis of formal-semantic criteria, and also demonstrates the results of its application to the languages​​ of different structures.


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Author information

Anzhela Rasulevna Fairuzova

Ufa State Petroleum Technological University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: September 27, 2013.


  • отрицательное предложение
  • негатор
  • предложение с обобщенным отрицанием
  • отрицательный/неассертивный обобщающий член
  • монои полинегативное предложение
  • negative sentence
  • negator
  • sentence with generalized negation
  • negative / non-assertive generalizing member
  • monoand poly-negative sentence


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