• Original research article
  • September 27, 2013
  • Open access



The article considers the point of view according to which a situation as the rationally and logically explainable part of actual reality is associated with a situation concept that is the generalized abstracted and unsophisticated way of an extralinguistic reality fragments representation by a statement, and by the example of the Yiddish prefixal verbs the author shows equivalence and nonequivalence of the situation and its concept as well as the similarity type of the concept to the rationally-logical situations.


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Author information

Kirill Aleksandrovich Shishigin

Kemerovo State University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: September 27, 2013.


  • картина мира
  • ситуация
  • концепт ситуации
  • эквивалентные и неэквивалентные концепты ситуаций
  • рационально-логичные и изоморфные концепты ситуаций
  • идиш
  • префиксальные глаголы
  • world view
  • situation
  • situation concept
  • the equivalent and nonequivalent concepts of situations
  • the rationally-logical and isomorphic concepts of situations
  • the Yiddish language
  • prefixal verbs


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© 2013 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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