• Original research article
  • October 31, 2013
  • Open access



The article considers the etymology of words used in the German and Ukrainian languages ​​for the denotation of the number “one” in comparison with other languages. The author starts from the notion of singularity and its primary non-numeric character, and involves the semantic aspect in the analysis. As a result, the model of semantic-etymological tree representing the historical development of individual semes and their lexical realizations is suggested. Attention is also paid to the genetic connection with the roots, denoting the number “two”.


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Author information

Ul'yana Yaroslavovna Barkar'

Nikolaev National University named after V. O. Suhomlinskiy, Ukraine

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: October 31, 2013.


  • этимология
  • семантика
  • один
  • число
  • имя числительное
  • корень
  • двуединое понятие
  • часть
  • etymology
  • semantics
  • one
  • number
  • numeral
  • root
  • one in two notion
  • part


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