• Original research article
  • January 15, 2014
  • Open access



In the present article the author conducts the etymological study of concepts REPENTANCE and FORGIVENESS, which allows determining not only the original content of the analyzed concepts and revealing the conceptual background against which they are formed, but also tracing the continuum of their names semantic evolution, representing the process of these concepts evolution in the English native speakers’ consciousness.


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  5. Потебня А. А. Мысль и язык. К.: СИНТО, 1993. 192 с.
  6. Серебренникова Е. Ф. Аспекты аксиологического лингвистического анализа // Антипьев Н. П., Викулова Л. Г., Даниленко В. П. и др. Этносемиометрия ценностных смыслов: коллективная монография. Иркутск: ИГЛУ, 2008. С. 8-62.
  7. Anglo-Saxon Dictionary / ed. by T. N. Toller. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1973. 1302 p.
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Author information

Polina Vladimirovna Gutorova

East Siberian State Academy of Education

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: January 15, 2014.


  • этимология
  • концепт
  • этимологическое / диахроническое исследование
  • лексема-репрезентант
  • etymology
  • concept
  • etymological / diachronic study
  • lexeme-representant


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