• Original research article
  • January 27, 2014
  • Open access



In the article the author reveals the content of the notion “phraseological euphemism”. Using the method of solid selection from the corpus of the modern dictionaries of euphemisms and the tabooed vocabulary of the English language, gender-marked units characterizing males are singled out and systematized, the core and periphery of the “man” concept are determined that can give the idea about man, his behaviour, attributes and role in the English-speaking society. Special attention is paid to the connotative and structural peculiarities of the phraseological euphemisms of the chosen subject matter.


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  2. Ковалева Т. А. Фразеологические эвфемизмы в современном английском языке: дисс. … канд. филол. наук. Коломна, 2008. 160 c.
  3. Кудрявцев А. Ю., Куропаткин Г. Д. Англо-русский словарь табуированной лексики и эвфемизмов. М. – Мн.: АСТ; Харвест, 2006. 384 с.
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Author information

Tamilla Adalyatovna Kuleshova

M. Akmullah Bashkir State Pedagogical University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: January 27, 2014.


  • эвфемия
  • фразеологические эвфемизмы
  • субстантивные фразеологические эвфемизмы
  • вербальные фразеологические эвфемизмы
  • национальная картина мира
  • антинорма
  • концепт
  • ядро концепта
  • периферия концепта
  • euphemia
  • phraseological euphemisms
  • substantive phraseological euphemisms
  • verbal phraseological euphemisms
  • national world picture
  • anti-norm
  • concept
  • concept core
  • concept periphery


© 2014 The Author(s)
© 2014 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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