• Original research article
  • May 19, 2014
  • Open access



The article deals with the epithet returns which are the necessary components in revealing the theme of death in T. S. Eliot’s poetic works. The main attention is focused on the epithets «dead», «death», «dying», which do not only characterize certain notions, but also help to establish the semantic links between them due to the principle of return. As a result, the epithets repetitions expand the boundaries of the ideological-artistic sense of the works.


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  7. Мортон А. Л. От Мэлори до Элиота. М.: Прогресс, 1970. 256 с.
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  9. Craig D. The Defeatism of the Waste Land // Eliot T. S. The Waste Land: а Casebook / еd. by C. B. Cox and A. P. Hinchliffe. Tiptree, Essex: Macmillan, 1972. P. 200-215.
  10. Eliot T. S. The Complete Poems and Plays. L.: Faber and Faber, 2004. 608 p.
  11. Gardner H. The Art of T. S. Eliot. London - Boston: Faber and Faber, 1991. 185 p.
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Author information

Oksana Viktorovna Livitskaya

Kamianets-Podilsky Ivan Ohienko National University, Ukraine

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: May 19, 2014.


  • аллитерация
  • эпитетная структура
  • эпитетные возращения
  • поэзия
  • Т. Элиот
  • alliteration
  • epithet structure
  • epithet returns
  • poetry
  • T. Eliot


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