• Original research article
  • May 28, 2014
  • Open access



In the article the old homonymic roots of words sort of noun-verb the origin of which is still disputable are analyzed. The process of syncretical roots formation is considered by the author as a diachronic phenomenon. In the work the reasons of the origin of monosyllabic homonymic roots of words are also stated. In addition, syncretical roots are characterized here as a morphonologic peculiarity of old Turkic root. In the article it is proved that the syncretical roots as the relicts of proto-Turkic period originated in the old period of word formation process. The existence of these roots confirms once again the amorphism of the structure of the Old Turkic language. The author also considers several hypotheses about homonymity of primary Turkic roots of words and their functioning in the form of noun-verb.


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Author information

Baba Baladja Meherremly

Institute of Linguistics named after Nasimi of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: May 28, 2014.


  • синкретичный
  • корень
  • тюркский
  • морфема
  • древний
  • происхождение
  • syncretical
  • root
  • Turkic
  • morpheme
  • old
  • origin


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