The article presents a thematic group (TG) “Fishing” in the Even language, since fishing vocabulary has not been the subject of a special study yet. Classification of the TG is based on semantic features and systematized in the following lexical-semantic groups (LSG): 1) the denomination of fish and marine animals; 2) the denomination of pieces of fish and marine animals; 3) the denomination of a person engaged in fishing, and verbs related to fisheries; 4) the denomination of fishing gear, their parts and components; 5) the denomination of boats and their parts and the denomination of the verbs that represent actions in relation to a boat or acts with a boat; 6) the denomination of fish dishes, methods for their cooking and tools used; 7) the denomination of fish products.
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Publication history
- Published: September 12, 2014.
- тематическая группа
- лексико-семантическая группа
- эвенский язык
- семантический признак
- лексикография
- theme group
- lexical-semantic group
- the Even language
- semantic feature
- lexicography
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