• Original research article
  • January 1, 2015
  • Open access



The article is devoted to the direct description of negative emotional states in the English language literary text. The author considers the description of male emotions from the grammatical point of view, pays considerable attention to the structures and their lexical content. The research is conducted with account of “Grammar of Structures” and its basic concepts. The conclusion about the means of the description of male negative emotional states used by the authors of modern text is made.


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Author information

Nataliya Grigor'evna Talashova

Saint Petersburg State University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: January 1, 2015.


  • грамматика конструкций
  • конструкция
  • эмоциональное состояние
  • эгореференциальная речь
  • неэгореференциальная речь
  • grammar of structures
  • structure
  • emotional state
  • ego-referential speech
  • non-ego-referential speech


© 2015 The Author(s)
© 2015 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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