• Original research article
  • May 1, 2015
  • Open access



The article offers the typology of linguistic personalities based on the relation of psychological disposition of the subject of communication and the peculiarities of its manifestation in sign constructing. The study of the influence of a psychological type on verbal behavior of a communicant reveals the psychological determinancy of the products of his speech activity. The research of psychological parameters of a personality will allow determining mechanisms of the mediation of linguistic consciousness content in sign structures.


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Author information

Anna Yur'evna Bol'shova

Kuban State University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: May 1, 2015.


  • типы языковой личности
  • психологические параметры личности
  • диспозиция психики
  • психологическая релевантность
  • лингвистические критерии
  • лингвопсихология
  • types of linguistic personalities
  • psychological parameters of a personality
  • psyche disposition
  • psychological relevance
  • linguistic criteria
  • linguopsychology


© 2015 The Author(s)
© 2015 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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