• Original research article
  • May 1, 2015
  • Open access



The article is devoted to the little-investigated lyrics by Bunin of the last period where a special place belongs to the image of circle. The cyclical stay in the world of the Bunin’s hero and his beloved is confirmed by poetization of the spatiotemporal circulation. The idea of​​ circle is multiplicated in various circular images (wreath, crown, wheel, nimbus etc.), it is manifested at different levels of the works (in their composition, speech, rhythmic, subject organization) and corresponds to the antinomic understanding by the lyric “I” of its finiteness and infinity.


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  3. Бунин И. А. Собр. соч.: в 9-ти т. М.: Худ. литература, 1966. Т. 6. 340 с.
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  7. Степун Ф. А. Рец. на кн.: Ив. Бунин. Избранные стихи. Издательство «Современные записки». Париж, 1929 // И. А. Бунин: pro et contra. СПб.: РХГИ, 2001. С. 390-394.
  8. Эпштейн М. Н. Онтология любви: Эдем в Песни Песней // Звезда. 2008. № 3. С. 204-216.
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Author information

Oleg Nikolaevich Vladimirov

Novokuznetsk Institute (Branch) of Kemerovo State University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: May 1, 2015.


  • Бунин
  • лирика
  • круг
  • система повторов
  • антиномичность
  • содержательность художественной формы
  • Bunin
  • lyrics
  • circle
  • system of repetitions
  • antinomicity
  • pithiness of the art form


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