• Original research article
  • June 10, 2015
  • Open access



In the article the city text is considered in the paradigm of hyper-textuality and is interpreted as a non-linear structure, integrating a great number of texts-periphrases about the city. The author focuses on the category of integrity of the city hypertext which is identified in the psycholinguistic experiment on the subjective defining astyonyms - the names of cities forming the verbal fragment of the city hypertext. The experimental research shows that the individual structuring of integrity of the city hypertext fragment is manifested in the election of the recipient’s choice of the general cognitive strategy in the process of comprehension of the different words-stimuli and their defining.


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Author information

Marina Aleksandrovna Simonenko

Astrakhan Institute of Civil Engineering

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: June 10, 2015.


  • гипертекст города
  • цельность
  • связность
  • дисперсность текста
  • тема-рематическое структурирование цельности
  • астионим
  • субцельность
  • hypertext of the city
  • integrity
  • coherence
  • dispersion of the text
  • theme-rheme structuring of integrity
  • astyonym
  • sub-integrity


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