• Original research article
  • June 10, 2015
  • Open access



The article examines the problem of terminological system of the discourse in the subject area “Mountain ecosystems”. In this connection the author analyzes the text corpus in which the characteristics of the terminological systems of the discourse in the mentioned subject area are represented. The author justifies the thesis that terminological system of the subject area “Mountain ecosystems” is the part of the lexical system of a literary language.


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Author information

Sofiya Novikovna Semenova

Kuban State University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: June 10, 2015.


  • терминосистема
  • предметная область «Горные экосистемы»
  • дискурс
  • массив текстов
  • лексическая система
  • естественно-научная терминология
  • тезаурус
  • terminological system
  • subject area “Mountain ecosystems”
  • discourse
  • text corpus
  • lexical system
  • natural science terminology
  • thesaurus


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