• Original research article
  • June 20, 2015
  • Open access



The article analyzes some of the key archetypal structures, forming up the mythopoetic model of the world of the Venetian text by Brodsky. The topicality of the article is conditioned by the absence of studies on this topic in contemporary literary criticism. The problem of the chronotope in the Venetian text by Brodsky is directly related to universals of the mythopoetic model of the world. The result of the study is the substantiation of the need to study the mythopoetic model of the world, which is manifested in the Venetian text by Brodsky.


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Author information

Kirill Aleksandrovich Sivkov

Volgograd State University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: June 20, 2015.


  • мифопоэтика
  • архетип
  • коллективное бессознательное
  • венецианский текст
  • венециана
  • mythopoetics
  • archetype
  • collective unconscious
  • the Venetian text
  • Venetiana


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