• Original research article
  • November 1, 2015
  • Open access



The article provides semantic analysis of the English phraseological units representing the conceptual sphere DEATH. The author discusses the issue of diversity of the semantic groupings associated with the representation of the mentioned concept. English phraseological units acquired by the continuous sampling method from the bilingual and explanatory dictionaries served as the material for research. The research indicated that the concept DEATH appears in a variety of figurative and semantic structures in the English phraseological picture of the world.


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Author information

Elena Sereda

Saint Petersburg State University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: November 1, 2015.


  • фразеология
  • языковая картина мира
  • концепт
  • когнитивная лингвистика
  • язык и мышление
  • phraseology
  • linguistic picture of the world
  • concept
  • cognitive linguistics
  • language and thought


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© 2015 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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