• Original research article
  • November 1, 2015
  • Open access



The article discuses the problem of cognitive categorization of the poly-predicative structures consisting from the principal clause and -ing form which occupies the position of a complement of a top sentence verbal predicate. The conducted analysis indicated that all semantic representations of such constructions objectify the complicated event occurring within the conceptual space of a cognitive scenic model - a set of regular cognitive-semantic parameters correlating with the specific positions of a syntactic structure of the constructions under analysis. In this model the gerund event is profiled as an activity which is implemented on necessary contact with a human and is represented through his typical cognitive functions: perception, understanding, communication, evaluation and forming the certain conditions.


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Author information

Natal'ya Mukhamedovna Dzhandubaeva

Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: November 1, 2015.


  • герундий
  • герундиальный комплемент
  • герундиальное причастие
  • матричный глагол
  • вершинная клауза
  • односубъектная конструкция
  • двусубъектная конструкция
  • экспериенцер
  • событие-стимул
  • событие-цель
  • когнитивная сценическая модель
  • gerund
  • gerundial compliment
  • gerundial participle
  • matrix verb
  • top clause
  • one-subject construction
  • two-subject construction
  • experiencer
  • stimulus event
  • purpose event
  • cognitive scenic model


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