• Original research article
  • November 1, 2015
  • Open access



The article examines the problem of ambiguity while a syntactic analysis in the process of speech perception. Syntactically ambiguous constructions with an adjunct at a complex noun phrase, holding an interest from the point of view of translingual comparisons, are considered. The results of the experimental study by the material of the Russian language are presented: the role of a number of factors, conditioning the choice of this or that interpretation of syntactically ambiguous construction is demonstrated.


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Author information

Dar'ya Alekseevna Chernova


About this article

Publication history

  • Published: November 1, 2015.


  • синтаксическая неоднозначность
  • синтаксическая обработка
  • адъюнкт при сложной именной группе
  • причастный оборот
  • предложная группа
  • syntactic ambiguity
  • syntactic processing
  • adjunct at a complex noun phrase
  • participial construction
  • prepositional phrase


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