The article examines the landscape as a component of a literary work by the example of the novel by John Fowles “The Magus”. The landscape performs diverse functions and creates mystical, mysterious, enigmatic atmosphere in the novel. To create this atmosphere the author uses different stylistic devices; each of them has its own specific purpose. Atmosphere of mysticism in the work is created both by the different stylistic devices and by the colour which is used with a certain landscape. The landscape in the novel by John Fowles “The Magus” plays an important role since it describes the nature, the surroundings of the main character and promotes the formation of a special mystical atmosphere.
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About this article
Publication history
- Published: November 1, 2015.
- пейзаж
- пейзажное описание
- природа
- стилистические средства
- мистика
- функции пейзажа
- роль пейзажа
- тип пейзажа
- landscape
- landscape description
- nature
- stylistic means
- mysticism
- landscape functions
- role of a landscape
- landscape type
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