• Original research article
  • November 30, 2015
  • Open access



The article examines a fairy tale as a mechanism to store and transfer information of ethical, practical, etc. nature within the framework of the general theory of culture memory. The story being told in a fairy tale performing the communicative function alongside with the esthetic presents itself a structure containing a layer of autonomous content. Thanks to the semantic invariant the story valuable for the individual psychics can be retold many times by adaption for the adult/children’s audience regardless of the material channel of information transfer which promotes its survival.


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Author information

Anna Zalmanovna Atlas

Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: November 30, 2015.


  • культурная память
  • сказка
  • смысловой инвариант
  • материальные каналы передачи информации
  • повествование
  • cultural memory
  • fairy tale
  • semantic invariant
  • material channels of information transfer
  • narration


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