• Original research article
  • November 30, 2015
  • Open access



Cloze-tests, which were the most popular format of test measurements in linguodidactics in the 1970s, are still of considerable interest and an object of research by both foreign and domestic teaching methods experts. In the article the authors present the results of the historical study of the period of pragmatic language testing in the 70s of the XX century and the prerequisites of the occurrence of classical cloze-tests.


  1. Brown J. D. Relative Merits of Four Methods for Scoring Cloze Tests // Modern Language Journal. 1980. Vol. 64 (3). P. 311-317.
  2. Carroll J. B. Fundamental Considerations in Testing for English Language Proficiency of Foreign Students // Testing the English Proficiency of Foreign Students. Washington - DC: Center for Applied Linguistics, 1961. P. 30-40.
  3. Caulfield J., Smith W. C. The Reduced Redundancy Test and the Cloze Procedure as Measures of Global Language Proficiency // Modern Language Journal. 1981. Vol. 65. P. 54-58.
  4. Darnell D. K. Clozentropy: A Procedure for Testing English Language Proficiency of Foreign Students // Speech Monographs. 1970. Vol. 37 (1). P. 36-46.
  5. Friedman M. M. The Use of the Cloze Procedure for Improving the Reading Comprehension of Foreign Students at the University of Florida: PhD diss. Florida: University of Florida, 1964. 116 p.
  6. McNamara T. F. Language Testing. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000. 140 p.
  7. Oller J. W. Language Tests at School. A Pragmatic Approach. London: Longman, 1979. 492 p.
  8. Oller J. W., Conrad C. The Cloze Technique and ESL Proficiency // Language Learning. 1971. Vol. 21 (2). P. 183-195.
  9. Spolsky B. What does It Mean to Know How to Use a Language? An Essay on the Theoretical Basis of Language Testing // Language Testing. 1985. Vol. 2 (2). P. 180-191.
  10. Stubbs J., Tucker G. R. The Cloze Test as a Measure of English Proficiency // Modern Language Journal. 1974. Vol. 58. P. 239-241.
  11. Taylor W. L. Cloze Procedure: A New Tool for Measuring Readability // Journalism Quarterly. 1953. Vol. 30. P. 415-433.

Author information

Svetlana Razmikovna Baluyan

Southern Federal University

Aleksei Aleksandrovich Yakovlev

Southern Federal University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: November 30, 2015.


  • языковое тестирование
  • прагматические тесты
  • клоуз-тесты
  • валидность
  • история тестов
  • интегративное тестирование
  • language testing
  • pragmatic tests
  • cloze-tests
  • validity


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