• Original research article
  • January 1, 2016
  • Open access



The article aims to present critical interpretation and description of the theoretical and methodological aspects of way construction studies in the previous experience and to justify the reasonability to examine the construction from the viewpoint of cognitive linguistics. The author also aims to develop the definition of a way construction, to identify the key parameters determining the semantic specifics of the construction and to mention the unsolved problems associated with the studies of this lexico-grammatical phenomenon of the English language.


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Author information

Elena Andreevna Pastukhova

Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: January 1, 2016.


  • грамматика конструкций
  • конструкция пути
  • сложное событие движения
  • предикатно-аргументная структура
  • концептуальная структура
  • пропозиция
  • семантическая конфляция
  • идиоматичность
  • семантические параметры
  • пространственная проекция
  • абстрактная проекция
  • construction grammar
  • way construction
  • complicated motion event
  • argument-predicative structure
  • conceptual structure
  • proposition
  • semantic conflation
  • idiomaticity
  • semantic parameters
  • spatial projection
  • abstract projection


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