The article is devoted to the problems of “cosmic vision” in the prose by the German fantast Paul Scheerbart (1864-1915). The paper analyzes the motive of transformation of a human being or an inhabitant of other planet into the flying eye. This metamorphosis is examined in the correlation with the motive of transforming a living being into the celestial body by the example of the key texts of the German fantast. The author proposes two interpretations of the chain of images “body” - “celestial body” - “cosmic eye”: metonymical and metaphorical.
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Author information
About this article
Publication history
- Published: February 1, 2016.
- Шеербарт
- глаз
- космос
- «Лезабендио»
- Мюнхгаузен
- телескоп
- Scheerbart
- eye
- cosmos
- “Lesabendio”
- Munchausen
- telescope
© 2016 The Author(s)
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