In the article the attempt of the comparative analysis of Russian and French proverbs and sayings is made. This folklore genre is considered in order to establish similarities and differences in the linguistic structures of the Russian and French languages. Russian and French proverbs are the object of the research. The authors focus on the fact that proverbs and sayings represent the age-old popular wisdom, the experience proven over the years, the truth, and on the fact that every era always introduces into the vocabulary what describes it, reflecting the geopolitical, social and political changes; in proverbs and sayings the national identity can be seen. To understand French proverbs and sayings the literal translation and their Russian equivalent are presented.
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Author information
About this article
Publication history
- Published: February 1, 2016.
- пословицы
- поговорки
- язык
- народная мудрость
- фольклорный жанр
- крылатые выражения
- национальная специфика
- народное изречение
- прямой и переносный смысл
- бытовая разговорная речь
- proverbs
- sayings
- language
- popular wisdom
- folklore genre
- popular expressions
- national identity
- popular saying
- literal and figurative sense
- everyday spoken language
© 2016 The Author(s)
© 2016 Gramota Publishing, LLC