• Original research article
  • March 1, 2016
  • Open access



The article deals with one of the stylistic devices of renovation of semantics of phraseological units - the expansion of the number of components in them. The ways of extension of phraseological units are analyzed in the process of functioning by the material of the English and German languages. The author substantiates the thesis that the extension of structural composition of the phraseological unit gives the pronounced stylistic effect to the situation, adds a gamut of new nuances, specifies the contextual meaning, and enlivens the figurativeness of phraseological units.


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Author information

Khalida Barievna Nurgalina

Nurgalina Khalida Barievna, Ph. D. in Philology, Associate Professor Bashkir State University (Branch) in Sibay

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: March 1, 2016.


  • расширение
  • распространение
  • фразеология
  • компонент
  • экспрессивность
  • стилистическая окрашенность
  • идиома
  • вклинивание
  • структура
  • expansion
  • extension
  • phraseology
  • component
  • expressiveness
  • stylistic coloring
  • idiom
  • wedging
  • structure


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© 2016 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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