• Original research article
  • April 1, 2016
  • Open access



The article is devoted to the issues of manipulative influence of the author of the political and publicistic discourse on the addressee. The paper distinguishes between the concepts “authoritativeness” and ”authority”, introduces classification of the authority types, focuses on studying the implicit authorities as the means of manipulative influence in which the authoritative information source is deliberately omitted, consequently the information is perceived by the reader as apriori true. The author provides the cases of using implicit authorities and analyzes the linguistic means of their manifestation by the material of the British “quality” newspapers.


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Author information

Ekaterina Veselinovna Teneva

Saint Petersburg State University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: April 1, 2016.


  • политико-публицистический дискурс
  • манипуляция
  • имплицитное воздействие
  • авторитетность
  • имплицитный авторитет
  • political and publicistic discourse
  • manipulation
  • implicit influence
  • authoritativeness
  • implicit authority


© 2016 The Author(s)
© 2016 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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