• Original research article
  • April 1, 2016
  • Open access



The article deals with the ways of objectivation of communicative and pragmatic frame “warning” in the texts of gender-marked English and Russian paroemias. The research is carried out through the use of multilevel pragmalinguistic analysis. These problems in the comparative aspect are characterized by the insufficient quantity of works which conditions the relevance of the study. The conducted analysis allows identifying the common and specific for the considered languages ways of expressing the communicative situation of warning in the paroemias with a gender component. The authors attribute the negative form of the imperative to the universal ways of objectivation of the frame “warning” in the compared languages. Moreover, in both languages the authors reveal the constructions, based on the proverbial oppositions and the similar thematic groups.


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Author information

Milyausha Ravilevna Shaimardanova

Yelabuga Institute (Branch) of Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University

Galina Ivanovna Atamanova

Yelabuga Institute (Branch) of Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University

Ruzilya Irekovna Galimullina

Yelabuga Institute (Branch) of Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: April 1, 2016.


  • коммуникативно-прагматический фрейм
  • гендерно-маркированные пословицы и поговорки
  • речевой акт
  • дискурс
  • паремии
  • превентивные предложения
  • communicative and pragmatic frame
  • gender-marked proverbs and sayings
  • speech act
  • discourse
  • paroemias
  • preventive sentences


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