• Original research article
  • June 1, 2016
  • Open access



The article makes generalizations regarding the sagas of heroes-theomachists. The sagas of Abrskil, Amirani and Prometheus achieved the highest popularity. The national hero of Abkhazia is Abrskil who glorified himself not only as an invincible bogatyr, defender of his people, but also as a benefactor of peaceful life. Abrskil image is similar to Amirani, the hero of Georgian mythology, who for the sake of people battled with monsters, taught the mortals to acquire the fire and process metals. Both of them combat the celestials, for which the latter punish them severely, chaining them in the caves of Caucasus. Interpreting the myths of trans-Caucasian martyrs allows identifying a lot of parallels with the well-known legend of Prometheus, which acquired world-wide popularity becoming a source of an “eternal theme” of art. Three rebels’ culture-formative feats are perceived as a personification of inquisitive human thought.


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  8. Салакая Ш. К. Абхазский народный героический эпос. Тб., 1966. 386 с.
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Author information

Aleksandr Ivanovich Demchenko

Saratov State Conservatory named after L. V. Sobinov

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: June 1, 2016.


  • сказания о героях-богоборцах
  • богоборчество
  • культуросозидающие подвиги
  • олицетворение пытливой человеческой мысли
  • sagas of heroes-theomachists
  • theomachism
  • culture-formative feats
  • personification of inquisitive human thought


© 2016 The Author(s)
© 2016 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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