• Original research article
  • June 1, 2016
  • Open access



The article points out the transition to considering the issues of meaning making and meaning comprehension that contributes to the beginning of the formation of linguistic hermeneutics as a new scientific discipline. The paper gives the characteristic of principal meaning interpretations, analyzes its main features as a linguistic phenomenon. The author examines the role of context characteristics, which allow defining “horizons” of understanding and interpreting the meaning of a text content. The notion of “field of meanings” is introduced as a group of possible variants of meanings functioning, structurally consisting of meaning creation and meaning comprehension.


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Author information

Liliya Gennad'evna Buzuk

Russian State Social University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: June 1, 2016.


  • лингвистическая герменевтика
  • смысл (лектон) как категория и парадигма
  • уровни языковой и речевой деятельности
  • основные трактовки смысла
  • логическая, лингвистическая, герменевтическая составляющие анализа смысла текста
  • linguistic hermeneutics
  • meaning (lecton) as a category and paradigm
  • levels of linguistic and speech activity
  • principal interpretations of meaning
  • logical, linguistic, hermeneutic components of the analysis of text meaning


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