• Original research article
  • June 1, 2016
  • Open access



The article investigates the formal and semantic peculiarities of intensifying constructions in the Turkic languages ​​as the integrating phrases which have the component semantics and participate in the development of their vocabulary and grammatical system. In this paper for the purpose of the identification of the general tendencies of the word-formation and forming the author examines the reduplicated constructions from the category of compound words, related to common adjectives and adverbs and formed with the help of prepositive particles; analyzes the peculiarities of phonomorphological transformations. The paper studies both complete and elliptic forms of individual particles involved in the qualitative modification of original words; special attention is drawn to the fact that the intensifying forms are derivated with the help of prepositive particles from the colour adjectives, the meanings of which, with all their flexibility and situational relativity, occupy dominant positions in relation to figurative meanings.


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Author information

Boris Abdulkerimovich Musukov

Kabardino-Balkarian Institute of Humanitarian Researches

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: June 1, 2016.


  • редуплицированная конструкция
  • усилительная частица
  • эллиптированная форма
  • функциональное ударение
  • фономорфологическая трансформация
  • reduplicated construction
  • intensifying particle
  • elliptic form
  • functional stress
  • phonomorphological transformation


© 2016 The Author(s)
© 2016 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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