• Original research article
  • June 1, 2016
  • Open access



The article discusses the contribution of the famous turcologist Saadat Chagatai in the study of the Karachay-Balkar folklore in a foreign diaspora in Turkey. Together with M. Dudov they identified the typological features of the national folklore, its relationship with the Turkic world. S. Chagatai’s studies are considered to be the important sources, which laid the basis for the study of Karachay-Balkar folklore in the context of the Turkic and European traditions.


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  3. Сарбашева А. М. Фольклорно-этнографический компонент в художественной структуре современной балкарской драмы // Вестник Башкирского университета. 2015. Т. 20. № 2. С. 576-579.
  4. Fuad Köprюlю Armaгani. Dogum yili munasebetiyle Fuad Koprulu almagani. İstanbul: Osmangazi universitesi, 1953. B. 93-112.
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  6. Klaproth J. Tatarische Stamme im Kaukasus // Klaproth J. Reise in den Kaukasus. Haile Berlin, 1812. S. 503-536.
  7. Prohle W. Karatschajische Studien von W. Prohle "Keleti Szemle". Budapest, 1909. Bd. X. S. 83-150; 1914-1915. Bd. XV. S. 215-304.
  8. Ramazan Karca, Hamit, Zübeyir Kosay. Karagay-Malkar Türklerinde Hayvancilik ve Bununla ilgili Gelenekler. Ankara: Turk tarih kurumu basma evi, 1954. 150 b.

Author information

Tamara Shamsudinovna Bittirova

Kabardino-Balkarian Institute of Humanitarian Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Government of the Kabardino-Balkar Republic

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: June 1, 2016.


  • фольклор балкарцев и карачаевцев
  • диаспора
  • этническая память
  • творчество эмигрантов
  • песни
  • охотничий эпос
  • folklore of Balkars and Karachais
  • diaspora
  • ethnic memory
  • immigrants’ creativity
  • songs
  • hunting epos


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© 2016 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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