• Original research article
  • July 1, 2016
  • Open access



The article presents an example of the “artistic translation” of a parable from J. Rumi’s “Masnavi” by Kh. Salikhov (1794-1867) in his treatise “Madzhmag Al’-Adab” (“Collection of Decency”). It is argued that it was very common in the literature of the Muslim peoples of the East in the Middle Ages to appeal to the already well-known plot or motive, but these “imitative” books should not be perceived as “secondary” ones in the sense of “inferiority”. According to researchers, it is necessary to pay attention to details introduced by different authors in compliance with national, historical-social, temporal peculiarities. The analyzed plot of one of the stories from “Madzhmag Al’-Adab” is borrowed from the poem “Masnavi” by J. Rumi, which, in its turn, is similar to the plot of one of the stories from “Panchatantra”. The paper gives the characteristics of each of the stories, in particular, it is noted that all the changes introduced by Kh. Salikhov were aimed at a more realistic sounding of the plot; the urgent social problems of the time were added.


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Author information

Leisan Yadgarovna Akhmadullina

Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: July 1, 2016.


  • художественное переложение
  • религиозно-дидактический трактат
  • суфийская литература
  • интерпретация сюжета
  • кочующий сюжет
  • artistic translation
  • religious-didactic treatise
  • Sufic literature
  • interpretation of plot
  • wandering plot


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