• Original research article
  • September 1, 2016
  • Open access



The article explicates discursive foundations of assertiveness of scientific texts. The assertive dominant is interpreted as the reflection of global objectives of communication in the sphere of science, aimed at the fixation of knowledge structures and their substantiation with the purpose of the following collective verification by the expert community. The close causal connection between assertiveness and epistemic modality is established. The author’s nuance of epistemic validity of the content of statements through the choice of the modal words of certainty and doubt is considered as an epistemic “shift” that actualizes the discursive position of a speech and cognitive subject.


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Author information

Sergei Trofimovich Nefedov

Saint Petersburg State University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: September 1, 2016.


  • научный дискурс
  • научная лингвистическая статья
  • ассертивность научного текста
  • модальность научного текста
  • эпистемическая модальность
  • модальные слова уверенности/сомнения
  • scientific discourse
  • scientific linguistic article
  • assertiveness of the scientific text
  • modality of the scientific text
  • epistemic modality
  • modal words of certainty/doubt


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