• Original research article
  • October 1, 2016
  • Open access



The article deals with the issue of general problems of the story by the German writer of the XIX century E. Marlitt (1825-1887, Friederieke Henriette Christiane Eugenie John) “The Twelve Apostles”, from which her literary activity and growing popularity associated with the publications of her future works in one of the most interesting German magazines of the XIX century - “ Die Gartenlaube" (“The Garden Arbor”) began. This periodical left a significant trace in the development of literary and popular scientific publications of its time. E. Marlitt was a talented and interesting person. The issues of female emancipation, women’s problems in Germany on the whole, also the development of social relations in the German society of the middle of the XIX century found its reflection in her works.


  1. Arens H. E. Marlitt: eine kritische Würdigung. Trier: WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 1994. 431 S.
  2. Deutsche Literaturgeschichte in einem Band. Berlin: Volk und Wissen, 1968. 768 S.
  3. Dingeldey E. Luftzug hinter Samtportieren. Versuch über E. Marlitt. Bielefeld: Aisthesis Verlag, 2007. 209 S.
  4. Marlitt E. Die zwölf Apostel // Die Gartenlaube. H. 36. S. 561-564; H. 37. S. 577-580; H. 38. S. 593-598; H. 39. S. 609-614.
  5. Marlitt E. Die zwölf Apostel // Marlitt E. Thüringer Ezählungen. Hamburg: Martin Kelter Verlag, 1994. S. 71-136.
  6. Vierhufe A. Ehrenrettung einer „Trivialautorin“: Erika Dingeldey rehabilitiert die viel geschmähte Eugenie Marlitt [Электронный ресурс] // Literaturkritik.de/rezensionsforum. 2007. Nr. 5. Mai. URL: http://literaturkritik.de/public/rezension. php?rez_id=10700http://literaturkritik.de/public/rezension.php?rez_id=10700 (дата обращения: 04.09.2016).

Author information

Arkadii Nikolaevich Makarov

Vyatka State University

Irina Arkad'evna Tyutyunnik

Vyatka State University

Svetlana Ivanovna Tyutyunnik

Vyatka State University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: October 1, 2016.


  • художественные журналы
  • научно-популярные журналы
  • домашнее чтение в Германии
  • немецкие журналы XIX века
  • авторы художественных журналов
  • семейное чтение
  • публикации произведений писателей в журналах
  • романы-фельетоны
  • творчество Е. Марлитт
  • рассказ «Двенадцать апостолов»
  • literary magazines
  • popular scientific magazines
  • home reading in Germany
  • German magazines of the XIX century
  • authors of the literary magazines
  • family reading
  • publications of the writers’ works in magazines
  • novels-feuilletons
  • creative work of E. Marlitt
  • story “The Twelve Apostles”


© 2016 The Author(s)
© 2016 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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