• Original research article
  • October 1, 2016
  • Open access



The development of scientific and technological progress causes the inevitable changes of peoples’ traditional lifestyle which results in the extinction of the whole thematic groups of the vocabulary. The necessity to study the archaized and dialect lexical stratum which serves to designate cartage is conditioned by the fact that this vocabulary component nowadays tends to be used passively: the names disappear along with the realia. Recently this category of words is hardly used in the speech of the middle-age and younger people. Therefore the timely collection and fixation of the mentioned terminological units, their systematization within the intra-word and inter-word term-formative means acquire a special importance.


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  3. Оконешников Е. И. Язык саха: проблемы лексикографии и терминографии: сб. науч. ст. Якутск: ИГИиПМНС СО РАН, 2015. 210 с.
  4. Слепцов П. А. Ступени и проблемы якутского языкознания: сб. науч. ст. / Совет по яз. политике при Президенте РС (Я); Ин-т гуманит. исслед. и проблем малочисл. народов Севера СО РАН. Якутск: ИГИиПМНС СО РАН, 2008. 544 с.
  5. Слепцов П. А. Якутский литературный язык. Истоки, становление норм. Новосибирск: Наука, 1986. 261 с.
  6. Средства передвижения и поселения якутов [Электронный ресурс] // Этнографический блог о народах и странах мира, их истории и культуре. URL: http://lib7.com/narody-sibiri/1621-sredstva-peredvizhenija-i-poselenija-jakutov.html (дата обращения: 25.08.2016).

Author information

Yuliya Mikhailovna Borisova

Institute of the Humanities and the Indigenous Peoples of the North of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: October 1, 2016.


  • якутский язык
  • терминологическая лексика транспортной системы
  • терминологизация
  • архаизмы
  • диалектизмы
  • гужевой транспорт
  • Yakut language
  • transportation terminological vocabulary
  • terminologization
  • archaisms
  • dialecticisms
  • cartage


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© 2016 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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