• Original research article
  • December 1, 2016
  • Open access



The article describes the basic principles of the Tatar vocabulary presentation in the socio-political thesaurus of the Tatar language. This thesaurus is being developed on the basis of the principles and methods of lexical system modeling in the thesaurus of the Russian language RuThes. This article contains the information about the conceptual structure of the thesaurus, about the representation of concepts and text entries, as well as some of the complexities taking place in the translation of the units of RuThes thesaurus into the Tatar language. The work on the thesaurus allows monitoring complex processes in the development of the lexical system of the Tatar language taking place in recent decades. In particular, in the Tatar language there are various names for the same realities translated from Russian, which leads to the appearance of semantic doublets; under the influence of the Russian language the Tatar words acquire new meanings, in other words, there are semantic calques.


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Author information

Al'fiya Makarimovna Galieva

Institute of Applied Semiotics of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences

Dilyara Dzhavdetovna Yakubova

Kazan Federal University; Institute of Applied Semiotics of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: December 1, 2016.


  • общественно-политическая лексика
  • тезаурус
  • татарский язык
  • РуТез
  • перевод
  • семантика
  • socio-political vocabulary
  • thesaurus
  • the Tatar language
  • RuThes
  • translation
  • semantics


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