• Original research article
  • March 1, 2017
  • Open access



Russian linguists E. E. Mikhelevich, A. T. Krivonosov, N. A. Toropova distinguish a special type of particles among the unchangeable parts of speech - logical particles and identify their distinctive features: logical particles are unstressed, they are subsidiary linguistic means of sentence’s nuclear element. Logical particles are lexical markers of sentence’s rheme representing the internal logical relations between the concepts of assertion and presupposition. Their semantic essence involves the expression of functional dependence between the nuclear elements and presupposition and other concepts which are characterized by oppositional relations with nuclear elements. The paper analyzes semantic functions of logical particles and argues that presupposition is an integral element of logical particles’ semantics. Relying on the findings the author provides further analysis of antagonists’ presupposition and presupposition of expectation.


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Author information

Lijun Guo

Post-Doctoral Research Mobile Station of Foreign Language and Literature of the Heilongjiang University; Sun Yat-sen University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: March 1, 2017.


  • логическая частица
  • пресуппозиция
  • ассерция
  • фокус
  • противочлен
  • logical particle
  • presupposition
  • assertion
  • focus
  • counter-part


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