• Original research article
  • April 1, 2017
  • Open access



The article provides the linguistic analysis of emotion concealment phenomenon motivated by the communicants’ objective necessity to control the external representation of their emotions. English literary anti-utopia served as the practical basis of the research. The author examines literary text as the emotive one, identifies the techniques to conceal emotions, and shows clearly the prevalence of verbal concealment tactics over the non-verbal in anti-utopia texture.


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  5. Лунькова Л. Н. Интертекстуальность художественного текста: оригинал и перевод. М., 2011. 38 с.
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Author information

Ol'ga Viktorovna Epshtein

Orenburg State Pedagogical University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: April 1, 2017.


  • маскировка эмоций
  • тактики маскировки эмоций
  • декодирование
  • эмотивный текст
  • жанр антиутопии
  • emotion concealment
  • techniques to conceal emotions
  • decoding
  • emotive text
  • anti-utopia genre


© 2017 The Author(s)
© 2017 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)