• Original research article
  • May 1, 2017
  • Open access



In the article during the analysis of the circumstances of publication, criticism and scientific comprehension of I. A. Goncharov’s essays “Ivan Savich Podzhabrin” the issue of creating an individual mythology on the basis of the creative synthesis of the traditions of Russian and world literature and trends connected with naturalism by a young romanticist writer is studied. The special role here belongs to the archetypal figurativeness (“fire”), which is correlated with the creativity by Goncharov, as well as to the ancient and biblical myths, revealing the importance of the image of the artist and his ideal. Already in the early work of the writer the selectivity and at the same time the breadth of the literary context of images, the reinterpretation of the traditional, often in the form of travesty which are typical for him can be seen. All these expanded the genre frames of the essays, which appeared to be figurative, plot and prosodic precedence of the writer’s mature novels.


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Author information

Vasilii Vyacheslavovich Retsov

General Secondary School № 1 of the Aksay District, Aksay

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: May 1, 2017.


  • И. Гончаров
  • очерки
  • мифология
  • романтизм
  • образ рассказчика
  • физиологизм
  • синтез традиций
  • архетипическое
  • ирония
  • I. Goncharov
  • essays
  • mythology
  • romanticism
  • image of narrator
  • physiologism
  • synthesis of traditions
  • the archetypic
  • irony


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