• Original research article
  • June 1, 2017
  • Open access



The article deals with the image of the nature of the famous Stavropol poet I. V. Kashpurov. The topic of the steppe landscape is rich and diverse in its lyrics. In the research some of the most frequent lexemes in the poetic vocabulary of landscapes by I. V. Kashpurov are presented. The poet introduced into his poems not only the plants repeatedly used in poetry, possessing a certain poetic aura and euphony of the name (feather grass, wormwood, thyme, sage, mugwort, St. John’s wort, gymnadenia), but also those that are represented little in it and do not possess any poetry at all (salsola, burdock, dock, nettle). The author singles out one more feature of I. V. Kashpurov’s lyrics: along with the literary names of various plants, the poet introduces dialect names into the poetic text. Kashpurov does not follow fixed literary traditions blindly: in his poems those representatives of the animal and plant world, which are found more often in his homeland can be seen more frequently. It is necessary to note the following peculiarity of Kashpurov’s poetics: every plant and animal has its own appearance, its own character, its own unique “face” which shows his love for the world of plants and animals, and every manifestation of nature is important to the poet.


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Author information

Ol'ga Alekseevna Shatokhina

Nevinnomyssk State Humanitarian and Technical Institute

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: June 1, 2017.


  • пейзаж
  • природа
  • природный мир
  • творческая индивидуальность
  • поэтический образ
  • И. В. Кашпуров - пейзажист
  • landscape
  • nature
  • world of nature
  • creative individuality
  • poetic image
  • I. V. Kashpurov - landscape painter


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© 2017 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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